The Enduring Value of Standard Interfaces: Why WSDL/SOAP Still Matter in the Age of REST

Aditya Bhuyan
7 min readJul 3, 2024


In the ever-evolving world of web development, communication between applications is paramount. Web services have emerged as a powerful tool for achieving this, allowing applications built with different technologies to exchange data and functionality. But with multiple standards vying for dominance, a question arises: why are standard interfaces like Web Services Description Language (WSDL) and Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) still relevant when alternatives like Representational State Transfer (REST) exist?

This article delves into the significance of standard interfaces in web services, exploring the advantages of WSDL/SOAP and their role in specific scenarios. We’ll also compare them to REST, a popular and lightweight approach, to understand where each shines.

The Power of Standardization: A Common Language for Web Services

Imagine a world where every company had its own way of sending emails. Some might use carrier pigeons, others a network of smoke signals. Communication would be a chaotic mess. Thankfully, we have standardized protocols like SMTP and IMAP that ensure emails flow smoothly across different platforms.

Similarly, standard interfaces in web services act as a common language, enabling applications built with diverse technologies to interact seamlessly. This interoperability is crucial for several reasons:

  • Reduced Development Time: Standards like WSDL provide a clear roadmap for developers. They define the services offered, the data formats used, and the messages exchanged. This eliminates the need for developers to spend time deciphering proprietary communication methods, allowing them to focus on building the core functionality of their applications.
  • Simplified Maintenance: When changes are made to a web service, a standard interface ensures that all client applications are notified and can adapt accordingly. This reduces the risk of compatibility issues and simplifies maintenance efforts.
  • Platform and Language Independence: Standard interfaces enable applications written in different programming languages and running on various platforms to communicate. This fosters a more open and flexible development environment.
  • Security Enhancements: Standardized interfaces often lay the groundwork for security protocols like encryption and authentication, ensuring secure data exchange between applications.

WSDL and SOAP: The Backbone of Interoperable Web Services

WSDL and SOAP form the core of a standardized web service approach. Let’s explore their individual roles:

  • WSDL (Web Services Description Language): Think of WSDL as a blueprint. It describes the functionalities (methods) offered by a web service, along with the data formats expected for requests and responses. This detailed specification allows developers to create client applications that interact with the service effectively.
  • SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol): SOAP defines the format for messages exchanged between web services. It uses XML to structure messages, ensuring a well-defined way to package data and control information. SOAP messages typically include details like the service being invoked, the arguments being passed, and the expected response format.

The combination of WSDL and SOAP provides a robust and secure framework for web service communication. Here’s a closer look at the strengths of this approach:

  • Strong Contract Enforcement: WSDL acts as a binding contract, clearly outlining the expectations for both the service provider and the client application. This rigidity ensures predictable behavior and reduces the risk of miscommunication.
  • Security Features: SOAP messages can be secured using mechanisms like WS-Security, enabling encryption and authentication for sensitive data exchange.
  • Data Richness: SOAP messages can handle complex data structures with ease, making them suitable for scenarios requiring rich data exchange.

However, WSDL/SOAP also come with some drawbacks:

  • Complexity: Setting up and using WSDL/SOAP can be more complex compared to simpler approaches like REST. The XML-based message format can be verbose and requires more development effort.
  • Performance Overhead: SOAP messages tend to be larger due to the XML structure, potentially leading to slower communication compared to lightweight data formats used by REST (like JSON).

REST: A Lightweight Alternative for the Modern Web

REST (Representational State Transfer) has emerged as a popular alternative to WSDL/SOAP, particularly for modern web applications. It leverages existing web technologies like HTTP verbs (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) and utilizes data formats like JSON that are easier for both machines and humans to parse.

Here’s what makes REST appealing:

  • Simplicity: REST is lightweight and easy to understand. Developers familiar with web technologies can quickly grasp the concepts behind RESTful APIs.
  • Performance: REST messages are typically smaller and faster to process compared to SOAP messages, leading to better performance.
  • Flexibility: REST is a more flexible approach, allowing for a wider range of interaction styles beyond simple remote procedure calls (RPCs) that SOAP often uses.
  • Scalability: RESTful APIs are well-suited for scaling to handle large numbers of concurrent requests.

However, REST also has limitations:

Looser Contract Enforcement: REST APIs can be less rigid than WSDL/SOAP in terms of enforcing a strict contract between the service provider and the client application. This can lead to potential compatibility issues if the API definition changes without proper versioning.

Security Considerations: While security mechanisms can be implemented on top of REST, it doesn’t have built-in security features like WS-Security that SOAP offers.

Choosing the Right Standard: WSDL/SOAP vs. REST

The choice between WSDL/SOAP and REST depends on the specific needs of your web service. Here’s a breakdown to help you decide:


  • You need strong contract enforcement and a well-defined interface for complex data exchange.
  • Security is a top priority, and built-in features like WS-Security are essential.
  • Your application needs to interact with legacy systems that rely on WSDL/SOAP.

Use REST if:

  • You prioritize simplicity and ease of development.
  • Performance is critical, and you need fast communication with minimal overhead.
  • You’re building a modern web application that leverages existing web technologies.
  • Scalability is a major concern, and you anticipate a high volume of concurrent requests.

Beyond the Binary: A Spectrum of Standards

It’s important to remember that WSDL/SOAP and REST aren’t mutually exclusive. They represent two ends of a spectrum when it comes to standardization in web services. Here are some additional considerations:

  • Hybrid Approaches: In some cases, a hybrid approach combining elements of both WSDL/SOAP and REST might be the best fit. For example, a service might use a WSDL to define its core functionality but expose a RESTful API for easier access.
  • GraphQL: GraphQL is a query language for APIs that provides a more flexible way to request data from web services. It allows clients to specify exactly the data they need, potentially reducing the complexity of interacting with both WSDL/SOAP and REST APIs.
  • Microservices Architecture: Microservices architecture advocates for building applications as a collection of small, independent services. Both WSDL/SOAP and REST can be used to define the interfaces for these microservices, promoting loose coupling and easier maintenance.

When to Choose WSDL/SOAP: Maintaining Security and Control

While REST has become a dominant force in web services due to its simplicity and performance, WSDL/SOAP still hold significant value in specific scenarios. Here’s a breakdown of situations where a standardized interface like WSDL/SOAP might be the better choice:

  • Complex Transactions with High Security Requirements: For scenarios involving sensitive data exchange or complex transactions requiring strict adherence to a defined protocol, WSDL/SOAP’s strengths shine. The strong contract enforcement and security features of WSDL/SOAP provide a reliable and secure communication framework. Examples include financial transactions, healthcare data exchange, and communication between mission-critical systems.
  • Integration with Legacy Systems: Many legacy systems might not be equipped to handle the flexibility of REST. WSDL/SOAP offer a standardized way to integrate these systems with newer applications, ensuring seamless communication even with older technologies.
  • Need for Rich Data Structures: If your web service involves exchanging complex data structures with nested elements, SOAP’s ability to handle them effectively becomes an advantage. While workarounds exist for REST, SOAP provides a more natural and robust way to represent complex data.
  • Maintaining Control and Governance: In some situations, organizations might require a more controlled and governed approach to web service interactions. WSDL/SOAP’s well-defined contracts and message formats provide a clear audit trail and facilitate centralized control over service interactions.

Finding the Right Balance: WSDL/SOAP vs. REST

The choice between WSDL/SOAP and REST boils down to a careful consideration of your specific needs. Here’s a table summarizing the key points to consider:

The Future of Web Services: Coexistence and Evolution

The future of web services likely involves a coexistence of WSDL/SOAP and REST. REST will likely continue to dominate for its simplicity and performance in modern web applications. However, WSDL/SOAP will remain valuable for scenarios requiring strong security, complex data exchange, and integration with legacy systems.

Furthermore, both approaches are constantly evolving. Standards like WSDL 2.0 and SOAP 1.2 address some of the complexity concerns of earlier versions. REST continues to see advancements with specifications like OpenAPI (Swagger) that provide a more structured approach to defining RESTful APIs.

In conclusion, WSDL/SOAP remain relevant tools in the web services developer’s belt. While REST offers a compelling alternative for many scenarios, the standardized interfaces and security features of WSDL/SOAP ensure their continued use in specific situations. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of both approaches empowers developers to make informed decisions and create robust and secure web service interactions.



Aditya Bhuyan

I am Aditya. I work as a cloud native specialist and consultant. In addition to being an architect and SRE specialist, I work as a cloud engineer and developer.