The Invisible Handshake: How SMTP and IMAP Orchestrate Email Delivery

Aditya Bhuyan
6 min readJul 3, 2024


In today’s digital world, email remains a cornerstone of communication. But have you ever wondered how exactly your message travels from your device to a recipient’s inbox? The magic behind email delivery lies in a coordinated dance between two key protocols: SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) and IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol). While TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) forms the foundation of all internet communication, SMTP and IMAP add a layer of structure and security, ensuring your emails reach their intended destination.

The Journey Begins: Composing and Sending Your Email

Let’s imagine you’re crafting an email. You’ve composed your message, attached any necessary files, and hit “send.” Here’s what happens behind the scenes:

Connecting to the SMTP Server: Your email client (like Gmail or Outlook) doesn’t directly connect to the recipient’s computer. Instead, it establishes a connection with your email provider’s SMTP server. This server acts as a dedicated mail exchange point, responsible for routing your email onwards.

SMTP Handshake: The email client and SMTP server communicate using SMTP commands and responses. These commands follow a specific format, ensuring a smooth exchange of information. Here’s a simplified breakdown of the handshake:

  • HELO/EHLO: The email client initiates the conversation by introducing itself to the server (HELO for older SMTP versions, EHLO for newer ones).
  • AUTH LOGIN (Optional): If your email requires authentication, the client sends login credentials using secure mechanisms like SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer).
  • MAIL FROM: The client specifies the sender’s email address, informing the server where the email originates.
  • RCPT TO: The client provides the recipient’s email address, indicating the email’s destination. This command can be repeated for multiple recipients.
  • DATA: The client transmits the actual email content, including message body, attachments, and headers that contain additional information like subject line and recipient names.
  • QUIT: The client signals the end of the transmission and disconnects from the server.

Server-side Processing: Once the email data is received, the SMTP server takes over. It performs several crucial tasks:

  • Validation: The server verifies the sender’s email address to prevent spoofing (sending emails disguised as someone else).
  • DNS Lookup: The server uses the Domain Name System (DNS) to translate the recipient’s email address (e.g., [email address removed]) into an IP address, identifying the recipient’s mail server.
  • Delivery Routing: The server attempts to deliver the email to the recipient’s mail server. This may involve connecting to multiple intermediate servers if the recipient uses a different email provider.

Delivery Outcomes: The SMTP server provides feedback to the sender’s email client to indicate delivery status. Here are some common outcomes:

  • 2xx Success Codes: The email was successfully accepted by the recipient’s server for further processing.
  • 4xx Error Codes: There’s a temporary issue with delivery, such as an invalid recipient address or mailbox quota exceeded. The sender’s email client may retry delivery later.
  • 5xx Error Codes: A permanent error occurred, such as the recipient’s server being unreachable. The sender’s email client typically notifies the user of the failed delivery.

Behind the Inbox: Receiving and Managing Emails

Once your email reaches the recipient’s mail server, it’s stored until the recipient retrieves it. Here’s where IMAP comes into play:

IMAP Connection: The recipient’s email client establishes a connection with their email provider’s IMAP server. This server acts as a central repository for storing and managing emails.

IMAP Commands: The email client and IMAP server communicate using IMAP commands. These commands allow the client to:

  • List Mailboxes: Retrieve a list of available mailboxes (like Inbox, Sent Items, Trash) on the server.
  • Select Mailbox: Choose a specific mailbox to access its contents.
  • Fetch Emails: Retrieve the headers or complete content of emails within the selected mailbox.
  • Manage Emails: Perform actions like deleting, moving, or marking emails as read/unread.

Benefits of IMAP: Unlike POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3), another email retrieval protocol, IMAP offers significant advantages:

· Centralized Storage: Emails remain stored on the server, allowing access from any device with internet connectivity.

· Synchronization: IMAP keeps email copies and actions (like deletion or marking as read) synchronized across all devices that access the account. This ensures a consistent experience regardless of which device you use.

· Selective Download: IMAP allows you to download only specific parts of an email, such as headers or text content, without needing to download the entire message with attachments. This can be beneficial for saving bandwidth and storage space on your device.

· Offline Access: While IMAP requires an internet connection to retrieve emails from the server for the first time, some email clients allow you to download and store copies of emails locally. This enables you to view previously downloaded emails even when offline.

The Power of Protocols: Why Not Just Use TCP/IP Directly?

You might wonder why separate protocols like SMTP and IMAP are necessary when TCP/IP already forms the foundation of internet communication. Here’s why these protocols play a crucial role:

  1. Structured Communication: TCP/IP provides a reliable connection between devices, but it doesn’t define a specific format for exchanging email data. SMTP establishes a standardized way for email clients to talk to mail servers. It defines commands and responses for tasks like sending email addresses, message content, and attachments. Without SMTP, each email client would need to understand a different communication format, making email exchange chaotic.
  2. Mail Server Routing: The internet doesn’t have direct connections between every computer. Emails often need to be relayed through multiple mail servers before reaching the recipient’s server. SMTP enables communication between these servers, ensuring emails are routed correctly across the network. Imagine sending a physical letter without a postal system — it would likely never reach its destination. SMTP acts as the postal system for emails, ensuring they are delivered to the correct mailboxes.
  3. Secure Delivery: While SMTP doesn’t handle security itself, it works hand-in-hand with protocols like TLS (Transport Layer Security) to encrypt emails during transmission. This protects sensitive information from being intercepted by unauthorized parties. Imagine sending a postcard with your bank account information written on it. Encryption acts like a sealed envelope, protecting the privacy of your message.
  4. Centralized Management (IMAP): IMAP provides a structured way for email clients to access and manage emails stored on a central mail server. This enables features like:
  • Accessing emails from any device with your email login.
  • Keeping emails on the server for later access, even if you delete them from your device.
  • Organizing emails into folders and keeping them synced across devices.

Without IMAP, you would need to download all your emails to your device, potentially consuming significant storage space. Additionally, managing and organizing emails would be a cumbersome task, requiring manual copying and deletion across different devices.

The Future of Email Protocols: A Continued Evolution

The world of email protocols is constantly evolving. While SMTP and IMAP remain the dominant forces for email delivery and retrieval, new advancements are emerging:

  • Secure/STARTTLS: An extension to SMTP that mandates encryption for the entire email exchange, enhancing security beyond what basic TLS offers.
  • DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance): A framework that helps email providers identify and prevent email spoofing.
  • API-based Email Services: Some email providers offer API (Application Programming Interface) access, allowing developers to programmatically send and receive emails within their applications.

In conclusion, SMTP and IMAP form the backbone of email communication, orchestrating the invisible handshake that delivers your messages across the vast network. While TCP/IP provides the underlying connection, these protocols add essential layers of structure, security, and management, ensuring emails reach their intended recipients in a reliable and efficient manner. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect further refinements and advancements in email protocols, ensuring a smooth and secure email experience for years to come.



Aditya Bhuyan

I am Aditya. I work as a cloud native specialist and consultant. In addition to being an architect and SRE specialist, I work as a cloud engineer and developer.